(Nope! That's not Mel OR El. It's a lady named Pamela Anderson.)
El: Hey, Mel?
Mel: Yes, El?
El: Guess what's coming up?
Mel: Our show.
El: Yes. But that's not what I was thinking about. I'll give you a hint: Dum - Dum - Da Duuuuuuuuum!
Mel: My wedding.
El: Correct!
Mel: What if you weren't bringing that up right now? It's making me perspire.
El: But it's happening! And it's gonna be so much fun!
Mel: I can't think about the wedding until after we premiere our brand new song about you-know-what.
El: You mean our masturbation empowerment song entitled "Pamela Handerson"?
Mel: Now you've said the m-word & everyone is unsubscribing us from their blogroll.
El: Oh, c'mon! Everybody has done it, does it or is doing it right now.
Mel: Yeah, our snarky & sarcastic banter is sooooooo hot.
El: I'm not one hundred percent enjoying your tone right now.
Mel: I blame you and your incessant wedding march singing!
El: Mel?
Mel: Yes, El!
El: You're very cute when you're exasperated.
Mel: I hate you.
El: I love you, too.
Make your reservation here ASAP 'cause this thing keeps selling out.**
MEL & EL: Our Time of the Month
Really bloody funny. Period.
with special guest comedian Poppi Kramer!
Thursday, October 7th, 7:30PM
Comix, 353 W. 14th Street, NYC
$10 (cash) at the door
Delicious food & drink available but not required
Reservations here!
** If you want to book a birthday group of 6 or more & have us create a personalized Rap for the Birthday Boy or Girl, please email us pronto at melandel@melandel.com & let us know! We're almost out of room for October Birthday Celebrations!